Director of the Authentic Writing Workshops
Although Marta Szabo spent years as an editor in mass-market paperbacks and magazines, both in the United States and abroad, and lived in a yoga ashram for ten years, her focus has always
been on developing her own writing. Along the way, she garnered a Creative Writing MFA from Goddard College, and taught writing in colleges, high schools, prisons and hospitals.
By the early 2000’s, she was firmly established in Authentic Writing, facilitating alongside Fred and then independently. She co-created the annual Memoir Festival held at the Omega
Institute for ten years.
Marta has published three memoirs, The Guru Looked Good, The Imposters, and The First Two.


Fred Poole
Founder of the Authentic Writing Workshops
For over thirty years Fred Poole was a writer and journalist traveling through usually dangerous parts of the world. During those years he published over a dozen books including the novel Where Dragons Dwell (Harper) and the exposé Revolution in the Philippines: the U.S. in a Hall of Cracked Mirrors (McGraw-Hill).
Later in life, he dove into and was profoundly influenced by studies in art and theology, and in 1993 created the Authentic Writing Workshops.
His most recent books are Authentic Writing, A Memoir on Creating Memoir; The Aqua Mustang; and a collection of poetry, Skyrocket Dive.